A Colombian-born artist, resident of Miami, Fl, brings a new concept of artistry.
His artistic talent, originated from his father (a music composer,singer and
guitar player), was first revealed at the early age of 5, expressed in form of
charcoal drawings. This blooming passion drove him to study in some of the
most prestigious art schools in Colombia, Aruba and Spain. At the age of
18, Botero became the personal assistant of the renowned sculptor Ricietl
Vurkovitsky Dha. At which point he amplified his thirsty desire for art by
learning the bronze technique, which he utilizes in his sculptures today.
Shortly thereafter, he began his own art expositions in South America, The
Caribbean, Europe and USA. His works both sculptural &
paintings, break up formalities & academic rules. They possess admirable
qualities with a great sense of aesthetics. Extensive hours of study and
research directed him towards the use of Acrylic and Stucco on Canvas
which he now utilizes to project his own reality. His variant, imaginative and
poetic paintings exhibit the noble and balanced set of rhythms, signs, lights
and colors expressed in human emotion. While contemplating his bronze
sculptures in their lucid expressions, the Spectator becomes possessed by
their visions. Ample volumes with disquiet naturalness, like a ballet of forms
in perfect harmony. Sensible and vigorous expressions demandingly
conceived by the intelligent and audacious dominion of a Master.
Emanuel Sagrara Domenech.
"Each one of my works has its own personality, in them is poetry, are the echoes of my expression, my way to feel, my relation with the world. Made with great
feeling and overflowing of passion, they are the invitation for the meditation and the tranquility; which transmit positive energy to the spectator. My ideas arise from the reality and the interpretation of the dreams, as if they were generated from another space and dimension. My artwork gives me satisfactions and restlessness; they fill an empty gap in space and time. I choose the bronze by its nobility when working it and define the inspiration as a romantic term ! - William F Botero.
Telenovela - Amor Descarado (Acting Role Winner) Telemundo Mini-Serie - P. Artistas Univision Telenovela - Anita No Te Rajes Telemundo Telenovela - Soñar No Cuesta Nada Univision Telenovela - El Cuerpo Del Deseo Telemundo First Program Advertisement - Decisiones Telemundo Telenovela - Tierra De Pasiones Telemundo Mini-series - Loteria (1 Milagro Para Monica) Telemundo Telenovela - La Viuda De Blanco Telemundo Mini-series - Decisiones (Amor D Pobres) Telemundo Telenovela - Dame Chocolate Telemundo
Repercussion / MR.Pain / El Recado / Don Pachanga enfierrao / Yo Tu y Aquel
La Mujer del Trompo / El culebrero / Don cobro en apuros II .
TV Actor Winner - Entrevista Mun - 2 Latin Grammy - Testimonio Noticiero Univision (23) Carrera Artistica - Entrevista en Vivo Radio Caracol 1260 am
Postobon Temporada Verano, Cali El Cid Tele Caribe Kool Aid San Andres Isla Le Patch Brasil Tv Holiday Inn Hoteles - USA
Vercelli Private Flight Service Vercelli & Sons Private Flight Service Vurkovitsky Formas Humanas (Sculpt) Bonbini Aruba Oranjestad Laser Video Games Revista Imagen Tech Palacio De Cristal Roldan Limitada
Bogota Expo Feria Equip. Industrial
Año 2000 Botero Model - Miami
Contreras Outlet Hotel Intercontinental - Col Antonio Gatto Milano - Italia
Meditando Con Los Angeles CD - 2005 Miami Mantras Para Activar Sus Chakras CD - 2005 Miami Tecnicas Defensa Personal DVD - 2005 Miami Tai Chi DVD - 2005 Miami
Botero have dedicated part from his life to the study and the practice of areas like: Angelology - chakras integration - Raja Yoga - Tai Chi - Bioenergetic - and Metaphysics, among others.
Lineage: Dr Mikao Usui, Dr Hayashi, Mrs. Takata, Phyllis Furomoto, Claudia Hoffman, Mary Shaw, Christine Henderson, Bruce Way, Ariane McMinn, Mona Khalaf, Allison Dahlhaus, William Botero.
Botero Participates annually in congresses of Parapsychology and is the Founder and Director of the Fundanciondfe , A Non Profit organization, which attends children left at world wide level.

E`mail: botero@williambotero.com
Un artista Colombiano, residente de Miami, Florida, trae un nuevo concepto de arte.
Su talento artístico, originado de su padre (compositor musical, cantante y guitarrista),
fue revelado a la temprana edad de 5, expresado en la forma de dibujos al carboncillo.
Esta pasión floreciente lo condujo a estudiar en algunas de las escuelas de arte mas
prestigiosas de Colombia, Aruba y España. A la edad de 18, Botero se convierte en
el asistente personal del renombrado escultor Ricietl Vurkovitsky Dha. A tal punto, que
amplía su sediento deseo aprendiendo la técnica del bronce, la cual utiliza hoy en día
en sus esculturas. Poco después, comienza a realizar sus propias exposiciones de
arte en Suramérica, el Caribe, Europa y USA. Sus trabajos de escultura y pintura,
rompen formalidades y reglas académicas.
Cada una de mis Obras posee su propia personalidad, en ellas hay poesía, son el eco de mi expresión, de mi sentir, de mi relación con el mundo. Realizadas con gran sentimiento y desborde de pasión, son una invitación para la meditación y tranquilidad; las cuales transmiten energa positiva al espectador. Mis ideas surgen de la realidad y de la interpretación de los sueños como si fueran generadas de otro espacio y dimensión. Mis obras me dan satisfacciones e inquietudes; llenan un vacío en el espacio y el tiempo. Elijo el Bronce por su nobleza al trabajarlo y defino la Inspiración como un termino Romántico !
Telenovela - Amor Descarado (Acting Role Winner) Telemundo Mini-Serie - P. Artistas Univision Telenovela - Anita No Te Rajes Telemundo Telenovela - Soñar No Cuesta Nada Univision Telenovela - El Cuerpo Del Deseo Telemundo First Program Advertisement - Decisiones Telemundo Telenovela - Tierra De Pasiones Telemundo Mini-series - Loteria (1 Milagro Para Monica) Telemundo Telenovela - La Viuda De Blanco Telemundo Mini-series - Decisiones (Amor D Pobres) Telemundo Telenovela - Dame Chocolate Telemundo
Repercussion / MR. Pain / El Recado / Don Pachanga enfierrao / Yo Tu y Aquel
La Mujer del Trompo / El culebrero / Don cobro en apuros II .
TV Actor Winner - Entrevista Mun - 2 Latin Grammy - Testimonio Noticiero Univision (23) Carrera Artistica - Entrevista en Vivo Radio Caracol 1260 am
Postobon &nbs